What Is a Drum Throne? Ultimate Guide

March 3, 2022

It should be a comfortable, stable, and sturdily built throne representing the most vital hardware piece for a drummer. 

Yes but, what is a drum throne?

A “chair or stool” drummer sits on while playing drums.

Proper posture when playing the drums paves the way for optimum performance and abilities to perform at the highest level possible.

Hence, having a good quality drum throne will reflect on the playing and performance. 

Due to such an important part of the whole drumming experience, in this blog, we are going to discuss:

  • What kind of padding is best for your drum throne
  • How to keep your drum throne 
  • What is the best size for a drum throne
  • What kind of drum thrones are the most comfortable
  • What style of drum thrones to buy

Stay tuned for further information, recline in your comfortable chairs, and find all the necessary things related to your drum throne!

What is a drum throne?

A drum throne is a thing an individual drummer sits on while playing the drums. A comfy and supportive drum throne is a crucial piece of equipment for drummers.

It provides the foundation for proper posture for drumming that is crucial to performing at the highest levels of performance and ability.

We now know the basics and what it is. So let’s look at the things to be looking for when choosing the ideal drum throne.

How much does a drum throne cost?

A drum throne can cost between $80 and $400 on average. The main factors that affect the price include the quality of the seat, leg massiveness, and additional accessories like a smart lock, backrest, and giant rubber feat.

Does drum throne make a difference?

A well-designed drum throne will not only make it more enjoyable to use for an extended time but, will also make a massive distinction in the pace and accuracy of your playing, particularly when it comes to your footwork.

Unfortunately, so many drummers settle for seating that is not great, maybe to reduce costs.

What should I look for in a drum throne?

You should ensure that the throne you choose is stable and has a good base that isn’t swaying when you sit on it. A base with double braces tends to give the most sturdy legs for a one-piece throne.

Drum Throne Base

The base is the essential part of a drum throne, the same as the throne is essential to your overall drumming performance.

To put that into perspective, it isn’t a good idea to build your home on an unstable foundation! The most important thing to consider is the level of activity your playing style includes.

If you’re an energetic drummer who likes to throw yourself around, an extremely sturdy four-legged double-braced drum base is something you should consider.
For the majority of people, a triple-braced drum base will suffice.

Certain brands also offer stability through wider “Clydesdale” type rubber feet. However, I believe that this is only necessary for energetic drummers who are heavier.

Most of the most dreadful features of a low-quality drum stool bounce around, putting the drummer off balance and instability within the pelvic region.

This will not only prevent you from reaching your best level of performance. However, it can put you at the possibility of developing back pain over long periods.

Height Adjustment - Spindle Vs Hydraulic Drum Throne

Adjusting your drum throne’s height easily is an option you shouldn’t overlook.

To ensure correct alignment and maximum ease of use, it’s crucial to make minor changes to your height easily, particularly when you have an instrument with others.

The standard height adjustment method is the bolt and nut lock. Most low-cost drum stool has this mechanism. However, it has only a few height adjustments and is usually quite unstable.

A more efficient alternative is to use the sliding tube with the memory lock mechanism. However, while this system for height adjustment is sufficient, the memory locking feature could get worn out over time.

I’d suggest you include spindle adjustment and pneumatic adjustment mechanisms.

A spindle mechanism is simple to use. You have to turn the top of the seat clockwise or counterclockwise to increase or decrease the level. In addition, it offers infinite height adjustments, but the stability and durability are also superior.

Pneumatic adjustment mechanisms are found on the top drum thrones. Unfortunately, they are also the most costly. It’s a complicated system that relies on compressed air to make simple, fast, and easy height adjustments, with unlimited adjustment possibilities.

Materials Used In The Best Drum Thrones, one word - foam

Every manufacturer has its unique formula, some being more sophisticated than others. But, for a general rule of thumb, the drum stool made of high-density foam will be the most comfortable and supportive.

A thicker, more durable foam can also extend the life and durability of the throne by preserving its shape and level for many years to be.

What Size Drum Throne Is Best?

What Kind of Padding for a Drum Throne?

The padding is directly related to stool comfortability, so always opt for the ones meeting your preferences. Anyhow, here are some things you should know about seat padding before you decide to buy one.

High-density foam – if your drum throne has a foam that is high in dense, this means that your seat will be comfy. However, this doesn’t mean that it should be totally soft because it won’t support your back!

Make sure that the drum throne padding is firm and stiff yet soft at the same time when you sit down!

Always look for the best of both worlds. 

The high density of the sponge will keep it from deforming the seat and will support greater body mass!

what is a drum throne

What Size Drum Throne Is Best?

You should follow some guidelines when choosing the right size of your drum throne. 

One of the most popular ones is that the height of the drum throne should be adjusted so that the hip bone is slightly higher compared to your knee height. 

Anyhow, from our drumming experience, I recommend you to get a bigger seat that provides high comfortability, such as Tama T771 and Tama H771.

Those types of drum thrones are very ergonomic, and they allow you to move your legs in the most natural position possible. 

The bigger the seat, the less strain on your leg muscles!

Overall, drummers should remember: What suits me might not suit you!

Therefore, the best thing to do is try out for yourself. Sometimes drummers opt for smaller drum thrones; though rare, there is a possibility. So, go and see yourself!

What Kind of Drum Throne Is More Comfortable?

What Kind of Drum Throne Is More Comfortable?

When choosing the drum throne, look out for these things to ensure you get the most comfortable seat available!

Drum thrones with backrest – many drummers who spend many hours practicing and playing drums have back pain issues. The backrest is your savior! This means that you can drum as much as you want even though you have had some illness or even a career-ending injury!

Benefits of having a backrest are:

  • Providing support to drummers with back problems
  • Keeping good posture when playing
  • Drummers can take a rest

A drum throne’s backrest does not entail that you will have to lean back constantly. Instead, your back will only be supported when you need it, and it can be taken off whenever you want.

Drum thrones with thumper – these types of chairs provide great comfortability and enhance the whole drumming experience.

Thanks to the world-known company Porter and Davies, drummers can feel each and every kick through its chair. 

Better known as BC2, these chairs are built from a two-part system that transmits bass drum signals making the stool vibrate, which results in shaking the drummer’s butt. Bone conduction carries the vibrations up the spine and is perceived by the ears as sub-bass.

This way, drummers can hear and feel each kick as it should be experienced without booting themselves out of the groove. 

Drum thrones with high-density foam – as I already mentioned before, the right stuffing will provide a comfortable seat. 

Look out for drum thrones with foam that is high in density. It is important to get the one that suits your needs, but in general, the more foam the stool has, the better. 

Overall, it should not be too soft, but rather the right balance of firmness and softness, which will end up with the just-right comfortability. 

What Company Makes the Most Comfortable Drum Throne

Here are our top three companies making high-quality and comfortable drum thrones!

  • Tama 
  • Gibraltar 
  • DW

If you go for any type of drum throne from the mentioned company, you can’t go wrong. 

Those thrones are made and stuffed with both firm and soft material, and they are usually easily transported. Drummers should be aware of these considerations when deciding to buy a stool. 

Anyhow, be aware that your budget is also a big determinator when shopping. 

So, before buying the seat, make sure you allocate a bit bigger budget to get a more quality drum throne that will serve you for many years. 

What Style of Drum Throne to Buy?

What Style of Drum Throne to Buy?

When looking for a drum throne, opt for the one with a sturdy base that does not wobble around during use.

Let’s check what kind of drum thrones are available: 

A double braced base throne – these types of stools provide the most stability. Adding this to your hardware bag may add a little weight, but you’ll get a more durable throne in exchange.

Height adjustment – a very important aspect to consider when looking for a drum throne is how the height can be adjusted. Control of the height of the throne can be accomplished in two different mechanisms. The first is a spindle base, and the second is a hydraulic base. 

A spindle base allows you to adjust the height of the throne by spinning the top. 

Hydraulic bases operate similar to office chairs by pulling a lever to adjust the height. You can easily adjust the throne this way, though they may feel bouncier than spindle-based thrones. 

In addition, thrones can also have holes pre-drilled into them, but those will restrict the variation of thrones’ height!

Used material – another thing you should look after is the material used when building the drum throne. It should be neither too hard nor too soft, but rather just the right degree of hardness. Your back will definitely benefit from this during long performances.

Seat shape – The final factor to consider when choosing a throne is the seat’s shape. The seat comes in two shapes, a round one and a biker-shaped or motorcycle one.

Round seats tend to be less bulky than motorcycle seats, making them ideal for smaller players or performers who only have a few gigs a week.

Motorcycle thrones are used by larger drummers because it has a bigger seat, allowing your back to be cushioned more during long periods sitting on them. In addition to this, the notch of the seat usually feels more ergonomic over your legs while playing, giving you an extra measure of stability.

However, the shape of the drum throne seat is crucial because it cannot be changed like a backrest. So, before buying, you need to try different shapes of drum thrones to see which one suits your needs the best.

Check out our full guide on the best drum thrones.

How to Keep the Drum Throne?

Considering that drummers spend a lot of time on their drum thrones, it is no wonder why they are the most damaged and require the most maintenance.

I provided two useful tips on how to keep your drum throne. Let’s check them.

Drum throne bags – The good quality bag you pack your seat in will protect your throne from many potential problems. 

For example, bumps and scrapes that can happen anytime during transportation are maximally avoided thanks to the protective side of the drum throne bag. 

This way, you keep the throne secure and prolong its lifespan with a simple yet effective bag.

Pack carefully – This especially refers to the ones that are touring a lot or simply traveling around with their drum kit. 

When packing your seat, always make sure that it is placed on top of the other things, or simply it is set in a secure and safe place. By doing so, you are keeping your stool from potential ripping and scratches that are most common during traveling. 


When we talk about drummers and drums in general, almost everyone’s first associations are cymbals and toms, and somehow the drum seat is always forgotten. And, what newbies might don’t know is that it is a crucial part of the whole drum set. 

Let’s summarize what a drum throne is and why it is so important:

The drum throne is a seat where the players spend most of their time gigging and practicing. That is why it should be a durable, comfortable, and stable drum throne to serve you in the best way possible.

Pay attention to its level of stuffing, make sure you get the highest comfort possible with the right backrests, and to prolong its lifespan, always take care of your throne to rule!

Denis Loncaric
Denis Loncaric

My name is Denis. I am a drummer, percussionist, music enthusiast, and blogger. Drums have been my passion for 15 years now. My idea is to write about the things I like and I am interested in. I want to share my drum passion with fellow musicians who walk, talk, and breathe drums.

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