Today, there are a lot of popular brands providing diverse types of cymbals.
From the ones that are cheaper and can suit everyone’s pocket to those that are really unique and hard to find.
Due to their qualities, produced numbers, and how they are built.
Usually, respectable brands that are world-popular are the ones that are the guilty-as-charged for the best-quality cymbals.
If you wanna get these ones, make sure your budget is overloaded.
Of course, you can get the whole set within some brands or only just one cymbal.
So firstly, define what you need before you dig in.
These cymbals are unique, and they are usually purchased to fulfill the existing collection more than actually playing on them.
But of course, there are exceptions, and they can be played for any purpose as well.
Even though they are very expensive, they are built out of literally top-notch quality with full sentimental value.
We have made a list of the most expensive cymbals sets from the most popular brands in this article!
+ we have singled out the most expensive cymbal made from the same brand!
Stay tuned to find out more!

Fill out the form, and I will hand-pick the best cymbals for you and drop you an email.
Most Expensive Spizzichino Cymbal Set
Okay, okay, if you are in the world of drumming you have probably heard of

Spizzichino was very popular, even though he died in 2011.
What’s so amazing about this guy is that he is a chemist who was self-taught to make cymbals.
Strange, right?
Over decades of hard work, he has built a big reputation, and his cymbals are treasured within the other rarities like respectable Ks.
His works were sold for more than 2,000$, and with that being said, you can just imagine the quality of the cymbals he has made!
Okay, okay, now, let’s find out about these beauties!
Most Expensive Spizzichino Cymbal

The price of this cymbal is around $2,200
Wow, impressive, right?!
If you wonder why we have represented only a cymbal without a set, it is almost impossible to find a Spizzichino Set.
Unfortunately, they are like an endangered species and protected simultaneously.
Very rare and very hard to find.
This refers to only a cymbal, so finding a set is not really a thing. Plus, it would probably cost a fortune and end up in a drumming museum.
Let’s give a look at another amazing Spizzichino Cymbal.
Spizzichino 22" Tony Williams Tribute Cymbal

This is one of the Spizzichino masterpieces. To be precise, one of many.
Spizzichino 22″ Tony Williams Tribute Cymbal was made from the one and only master cymbal smith Roberto Spizzichino.
But, there’s a story behind this cymbal.
Actually, this one was made as a homage to a ride cymbal owned and played by Tony Williams, a great jazz drummer.
This cymbal is perfect for the one that has a light touch. Having just the right amount of dryness in the combination of low dark tones.
Being one of the most coveted Cymbals in the drumming world, Spizzichino Cymbals are actually VERY difficult to find, and there are not so many examples left.
BUT, if you are a pro or just a HUGE lover of unbeatable quality cymbals,
These ones will literally blow your mind!
If you are curious about the price and where you can find them.
All we can say is prepare at least $2,000 and a lot of luck!
Just remember this:
Spizzichino Cymbals are available only for the most passionate collectors!
Most Expensive Cymbals Set - Meinl Mike Johnston

What’s in the Package:
- 14″ Pair of Extra Dry Hi-hats
- 20″ Extra-thin crash
- 21″ Transition Ride with the signature of Mike Johnston
- + 18″ Extra-dry Thin crash
This great set of Meinl Cymbals is also not so budget-friendly.
But we expected that because that’s the point of this article!
Don’t forget one old but the golden rule – You get what you pay!
The sound that you will get with these cymbals is remarkable. They will produce a mix of dry and dark attacks with a trashy and short wash.
Responsible for unique chick sound with the full-body structure, it is one and only 14″ Extra dry Hi-Hats.
What’s so great in this 4 piece package is that the 20″ Extra Thin Hammered Crash can be used as both a big crash and a light ride.
The coolest and, at the same time, the best thing in this Mike Johnston Byzance Set is the 21″ Transition Ride with the signature of Mike Johnston himself.
The Ride has a perfect wide opening and closing, with the perfect transition.
Last but not least is the 18″ Extra Dry Thin Crash.
This Thin Crash will deliver a trashy sound and work great as an accent cymbal.
These cymbals will give you full versatility and will for sure satisfy everyone’s taste.
Yes, we know that we mentioned a few times, great features, the best thing…
But really, these cymbals will deliver such a unique sound since they have been hand-hammered in Turkish style also.
Well, can you even imagine how powerful they are!?
Most Expensive Meinl Cymbal

As you assumed, the Ride Cymbals are usually the ones who are always cleaning our pockets.
Can we blame them when they are the biggest, loudest, and heaviest cymbals in the set, right?
This cymbal is made from B20 bronze, delivering a full sound without any issues.
When drumming, the Byzance Transition Ride Cymbal will let you shift easily from sticking to crashing.
You don’t have to worry about misplacing stick definitions in that process.
This cymbal is specific due to its esoteric and dry performances, while the bell is defined just right without being overpowering.
When it comes to looks. There’s really no need to comment. The design is beautiful with a unique finish; you can see that yourself.
Most Expensive Paiste Cymbal Set

What’s in the Package:
- 14″ Pair of Dark Crisp Hi-hats
- 18″ and 20″ Full Crashes
- 16″ Fast Crash
- 22″ Full Ride
Each cymbal in this set is hand-hammered in Switzerland!
This is actually a quite common characteristic for expensive and quality cymbals.
But, let’s find out more details of what’s in the box of these Paise Signature Classic Cymbal Set.
We are having 14″ Dark Crisp Hi-Hats that are built to produce a crisp sound if you play them with just the tip of your sticks. Great at the opening and closing, these Hi-Hats will deliver you a great chick sound.
+ they are built to cut through the loudest tones!
16″, 18″ and 20″ Full Crash has a beautiful and long decay. They will deliver a chunky sound yet be very focused simultaneously.
20″ Full Ride is a very big and thick cymbal, full of body, but if you play it softly with the right technique, it could sound very quiet.
When it comes to the 22″ Full Ride is very durable and has a lot of sustain.
What’s so great about this Paiste Signature Classic Cymbal Set is that every cymbal in this set is very precise and provides a distinct tone.
These cymbals are recommended and proven perfect for Rock and Roll and Pop music.
- The craftsmanship that’s arising from these cymbals is remarkable!
There are no mistakes if you decide to purchase this set. All we can say is, enjoy as much as you can!
Most Expensive Paiste Cymbal

The 22″ Paiste Signature Dry Heavy Ride cymbal produced in Switzerland is made from a bronze alloy with full cymbal weight.
The sound of this cymbal is very high, and it really can cut through anything.
Intended for loud performances, Dry Heavy Ride has a pronounced attack with a heavy and nicely separated bell.
Not only that, but this cymbal will give you a tone of brightness with a perfect amount of complex yet warm wash.
With so many features, which is not surprising for Paiste cymbals, this one belongs to very complex sound cymbals.
Most Expensive Zildjian Cymbal Set

What’s in the Package:
- 15″ pair of K Sweet Hi-hats
- 17″ and 19″ K Sweet Crashes
- 21″ K Sweet Ride Cymbal
When purchasing these sets of cymbals, you will get a full package.
Everything you need is in this setup.
Starting with a pair of K Sweet Hi-Hats built with a thin top and extra heavy bottom. The sound you will get is very clean, with a great wash.
When it comes to crashes in this set box, there are 17″ Crash and another 19″ Crash extra thin with unlathed bells.
These crashes are darker and will deliver a lower-pitch sound when drumming.
21″ K Sweet Ride is medium-sized, with the right thinness for nice crashing
- It also has a nice stick definition
This cymbal pack set is very versatile and is compatible with playing any music genre. Great for metal and progressive rock but for jazz and pop as well.
Playing these cymbals while performing or in the studio it’s going to deliver exactly what you need.
Maybe the greatest thing of all is that these cymbals will never overpower.
With their warm, rich, and versatile tone, they will suit everyone’s needs
Most Expensive Zildjian Cymbal

Compared to other Crash cymbals, Zildjian K Constantinople is a slightly lighter Crash with a warmer sound.
A hand-hammered feature emphasizes on shimmering low partials of a cymbal.
This hand-made cymbal has a dark and bold sound with a unique characteristic.
Aside from that, it is still projecting low, dark, and strong overtones.
All these features make this cymbal perfect for orchestra purposes.
As we mentioned above, they are a bit thinner, making them open up pretty quickly.
Actually, this cymbal results from balanced long sustain crashes and quicker rhythms.
As we all know, we cannot go wrong with Zildjian. But, in general, all of the stated brands are mistakes-free.
If you decide to go with this cymbal, you will get a traditional Zildjian K Constantinople Cymbal with the old-fashioned way of their unique sounds.
Most Expensive Sabian Cymbal Set

What’s in the Package:
- 14″ HHX Evolution Hats
- 16″ HHX Evolution Crash
- 20″ HHX Evolution Ride
- + 18″ HHX Evolution O-Zone effects cymbal
An amazing FACT about this Evolution cymbal set is that it was designed actually 15 years ago, but they did not see the light of day until recently.
We don’t know the reason, but we sure know what’s in this amazing package.
Let’s find out!
When you purchase an Evolution Set, you will get a 14″ HHX Evolution Hi-Hats that will deliver a clean and crisp sound with the option of easily cutting through diverse tones.
16″ Evolution Crash, as the name says, will give you a crashy and explosive sound, while 20″ Evolution Rides has a strong cutting bell with stick definition.
Aside from all that, you will get a free HHX Evolution O-Zone effects cymbal.
This one is shown to be among my favorites because it crashes just perfectly, without choking or ringing for too long.
Being built with high-quality materials, they are very strong, and they can easily cut through almost any sound.
With very versatile characteristics, they are suitable for different styles of music.
Sabian HHX Evolution Performance Set is very simple for playing, and it’s very easy to get the sound out of them.
With an explosive and warm response, the cymbals will deliver you exceptional cuts and projections.
If you are searching for a darker and more modern sound of cymbals, this one is what you are looking for.
Most Expensive Sabian Cymbal

A pretty new HHX-series of cymbals with dark characters.
Being hand-hammered, this cymbal is considered one of the richest Sabian cymbals.
It is made from B20 bronze with HH and HHX hammering techniques.
Sabian 22” HHX Complex Medium Ride Cymbal has a raw and hand-hammered medium bell to deliver clean sticking and a powerful wash.
With a natural finish and silvery overtones of the cymbal, the sound you will get is unbelievable.
You will also have a focused attack when playing this cymbal with a nicely defined ping.
A perfect mix of light and dark, just like in life.
Another great thing about this cymbal is that it is very versatile, making the Ride suitable for different kinds of music styles.
With that being said, there is no doubt that the Sabian HHX Complex Medium Ride will fulfill all your drumming needs.
Let’s sum it up as we always do.
The written article had the aim to single out the most expensive yet exceptional cymbal sets and cymbals as well.
All mentioned brands are world-known, and they undoubtedly produce premium products.
We can clearly see that each cymbal in these sets is carefully hand-made and full of body.
Almost every one of them is very versatile, which means that no matter what type of music you are playing, these sets are perfect for any genre.
We stated 4 different companies:
- Meinl
- Paiste
- Zildjian
- Sabian
Straight forward – there are NO mistakes when choosing any cymbals between these four companies!
With many similar features, some things are making these cymbals different.
It is usually that symbolic and traditional sound that these cymbals provide from each brand.
So, it is up to you which one you prefer and which suits your taste better.
Of course, let’s not forget to mention the Spizzichino cymbals.
These cymbals are sorted and sold only to the biggest collectors with their rareness and incredible quality.
You have to do a little digging if you wanna have that honor of owning one of them.
It’s not cheap when it comes to price.
But quality costs money, so you can just imagine how magnificent these cymbals are.
Thank you for trusting and reading Drum That!
We did our best to help you learn something new about the most expensive cymbals in the market.
Aside from that, we would be happiest if we helped you ease your drumming set purchase as well!
Stay safe, and see you in our next blog!
My name is Denis. I am a drummer, percussionist, music enthusiast, and blogger. Drums have been my passion for 15 years now. My idea is to write about the things I like and I am interested in. I want to share my drum passion with fellow musicians who walk, talk, and breathe drums.
This article reads like it was written in another language and poorly translated into English. Anyway, who uses such enormous cymbals? Who needs an 18-inch crash cymbal? Or a 22-inch ride cymbal? No One. And how do these drummers fit such large cymbals into their sets? I don’t use anything bigger than a 16-inch crash and an 18-inch ride. They sound just as good as the bigger cymbals you plug and they’re not as expensive. And you can fit them into your set anywhere. And who uses an 18-inch crash cymbal as an accent cymbal? Accent cymbals, such as a splash cymbal, are usually 6-12 inches large. It seems maybe the big cymbal companies paid the author to write about the big four cymbal companies. No mention of Wuhan OR Istanbul companies.
Hi Jonathan, thanks for the comment YMSDIH, cheers.